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A track game in the centre of York

A Track Game in the centre of York


Ce jeu de piste vous permettra de découvrir les rues médiévales superbement conservées de la ville de York, joyau assez méconnu du Nord de l'Angleterre, et de partir sur les traces de Harry Potter !!

Nous le faisons faire aux élèves de 5è que nous emmenons en voyage dans le Nord de l'Angleterre !!

Départ : la cathédrale de York (York Minster)

Arrivée : the Shambles (rue la plus célèbre de York, pour son lien avec le jeune sorcier)

Durée : 1h30 environ

Difficulté : à partir du niveau 5è 

A savoir avant de démarrer :

A York, les rues sont souvent appelées "gate". Ce mot vient du scandinave ;

Et on trouve de nombreuses ruelles très étroites, appelées "snickelways".



Starting point





Start from the entrance of York Minster. 

Find the clock and the red York Minster Souvenirs Shop opposite the Minster.

Go down Minster Gates to the corner of High Petergate and Minster Gates.

What can you see next to the names of the streets?

is the Roman goddess of wisdom and learning. 

It’s also the first name of a very wise teacher at Hogwarts:

The statue

With the statue behind you, turn right into High Petergate

to find a place where a very famous Englishman was born. Who was he?

When was he born?  

When did he die?

What did he try to do and when? 


Tell the famous rhyme: Remember, remember, the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. I can see no reason why Gunpowder Plot should ever be forgot.

Then retrace your steps.

Go down Stonegate.

Stonegate is the street where were brought from the ships on the river to build the Minster in the Middle Ages.

The House of the Trembling Madness

Find a pub called The House of the Trembling Madness. 

Look at the names of the dishes on the menu and find the English words for:

fait maison :                   fumé :

tourte au steak :             plateau :

plat mijoté du jour :        purée :

campagne :                     saucisses :


Find the Ye Old Starr Inn sign. 

Just before the sign, there is a snickelway called

What can you see at the entrance?

Ye Olde Starre Inn sign

Take Coffee yard.

Look at the reconstructed medieval townhouse on your left. It is called Barley Hall and was built around 1360. Admire its fine timber frame.

It has a horn (=corne) window. Horn was cheaper than glass in the Middle Ages.


You arrive at the corner of Swinegate and Grape Lane. 

Take Swinegate and then Back Swinegate on your right. 




Barley Hall






Roman Bath

Take Nether Hornpot Lane (an other ).

You arrive at St Sampsons Square.

What is the name of the beautiful and old pub just in front of you?  




The old white cottages in Goodramgate





Take Finkle Street on your left, turn right into Back Swinegate and then right into Swinegate. After the Old Sole shoe shop, take a snickelway on your left (Lund’s Court or Mad Alice Lane). You exit in Low Petergate. 

Take Low Petergate on your right and Goodramgate on your left. 

Have a look at the white cottages on your left. They date back from 1316. 

Then retrace your steps and go to King’s Square on your left.

What can you see on one of the roof tops?


Take Colliergate.

Near the end of the street, on your right, find the entrance of a snickelway. On the left of the entrance, find its incredible name written at the bottom of a wall:

It is one of the smallest streets in York. The name could mean either "Nothing at all" or "Neither one thing nor the other’.





Now you are in the Shambles.

Does this street remind you of a street in the Harry Potter films?

There are 3 Harry Potter shops in the street. What are their names?

This street is one of the oldest in England.

Shambles means meat market. So who occupied the street in the 14th century?

Look for the hooks in the street. What do you think they were used for?

Hooks used by butchers to hang the meat



Well done!! Now enjoy shopping in the most beautiful street in Northern England!!