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  1. Mrs Williams' Classroom >
  2. Sherlock's deductions

Sherlock's deductions

Here is an extract from the very first episode of the 2010 BBC Sherlock series: a modern version of the Sherlock Holmes characters and stories.

Sherlock has just met Watson and impresses him with his deductions!

Test your comprehension with the following questions:



Watch the video a first time and answer the questions:

Where are the men in the car going to? : They're going to a .

What is the exact job of the man on the right? He is a . He is the one in the world because he the job!! 

So who do you think this man is? (name and surname)    It's .

He talks about 2 countries which were at war in the 2000s. What are these 2 countries? and .

What object does he use for his deductions? He uses Watson's .

Who did this phone belong to? This phone belonged to 's .


Watch the video again and do the quiz:

‘The police are out of their depth’ means that…

Sherlock and Watson met for the first time…

Sherlock knows Watson has been working abroad in a hot country because…

What happened to Watson in Afghanistan or Iraq?

The phone Watson uses is a…

Harry Watson is Dr Watson’s…

Clara, Harry Watson’s wife, offered him this expensive phone, and 6 months later, Harry left her and gave it to his brother.


Pour faire des suppositions en anglais, on utilise le modal WOULD qui est la forme passée de WILL.

On le traduit en français par du conditionnel.

Sherlock Holmes dirait qu'il est le meilleur détective du monde. 

He would say he is the best detective in the world.


Très souvent avec I, WOULD est contracté pour donner I'd

Je dirais detective privé.    

I’d say private detective.


Attention, pour dire POUVOIR au conditionnel, on utilise COULD, la forme passée de CAN.

Ça pourrait être un cousin.

It could be a cousin.




Rappel concernant les modaux :





Exercise 3: Translate these sentences using the conditionnal

Je dirais que Watson est impressionné par Sherlock..


Vous ne gaspilleriez pas de l’argent à ça.


L’homme assis à côté de moi ne traiterait pas son téléphone comme ça.


Je pourrais devenir un très bon médecin.


Exercise 4: Revise the present perfect: translate the following sentences:

Vous avez été à l’étranger.


Ce téléphone a été dans la même poche que des clés et des pièces.


Ce téléphone a eu un précédent propriétaire.


Un membre de la famille vous a donné son téléphone.
